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Today we have a guest blogger  “Used 2 B Brooklyn”  who has sent me a fantastic piece for all to read.  Enjoy.

They Are Only Words
Recently, in a discussion with some family members, we talked about words or phrases we used as kids and kind of just grew out of them. The words may not be politically correct today and maybe that is why they have gone away. Back then you said what you meant and meant what you said. At least a person could always tell that you were genuine in what you were saying. (everyone following along so far?)
Anyway, here are few we came up with and some explanations (in case explanations are needed) If someone has another meaning, please submit an entry.

I mean no malice towards anyone.

Finders keepers, losers weepers– If I find something you lost, I get to keep it.

Slacks– does anybody still refer to a pair of pants this way?
Flat Leaver– someone who leaves right in the middle of an event or goes to hang out with someone else…leaving you or the group they were with
Indian Giver– someone who gives you something but then changes their mind and wants it back
Sissy Mary– (or even just plain Mary)- there are a few interpretations to this one, usually it just meant you did not go along with the crowd or were afraid to try.
Calling Quits– if you were dating someone and decided to break up, you would call “quits”.
Dibs- staking a partial claim on a friend’s  property (i.e. a sip of soda etc.)
I’m Telling– a way of stopping someone from doing something wrong…but you never actually told on anyone

In addition to these words there were a few expressions:
If you were going to fight a classmate or someone from school, you would have to do this after school. Usually at some point during the day you would let that person know and you did that by informing them: You are dead outside.

How many of us were sometimes “it”. Most of the time you were probably “Not It” .


If you feel like sharing some of your childhood memories of growing up in Windsor Place, I would love to have you send me a solid, productive, insightful essay.  We can use your real name or nickname if you prefer. Send all entries to: Hoops135@hotmail.com