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Do you ever look back on life and ask yourself, “How did I get here?”

At the age of 58 I find myself asking that question often.

Born on June 7, 1964. 665 10th street but we moved to 228A Prospect Park West in 1969. Attended Holy Name for 8 years. Jimmy and Frankie Cullen split for one year I believe and went to I.S. 88’s.

Made some great friends growing up on ninth avenue.

At Holy Name I played baseball, basketball, ran track and cross country. Played Intramural football. whiffle ball, punch ball, stick ball both on the street and with the strike zone. Jimmy Cullen took Boo-La deep in the boys schoolyard. That ball went to 18th street.

Academics wasn’t my thing; I hated school. Hated being there. The teachers were rough. Mr. Mussa was my favorite teacher; I had him in the 5th grade.

Miss Monzillo was awesome in the 7th grade…everyone else, later for them. What was up with all the yelling and smacking my ass with a paddle? That didn’t help.

When it was time to enter high school in the Fall of 1978, I screwed that up. That Co-Op exam in the 7th grade was strange. Made 3 of the 4 schools I listed. Power Memorial, LaSalle, Christ the King; the school I should have attended, Bishop Ford, didn’t accept me. Why did I put Christ the King on the list?

For the next three years I tried high school five times. Power Memorial, LaSalle, and John Jay three times.

Screwed it up. Poor choices.

Biggest regret in my life was dropping out of high school.

No telling what would’ve happened if I stayed at Power.

I had a girlfriend at 14 who loved me. Screwed that up too. I didn’t know how to love. She was amazing.

The adults in my life, well let’s just say they weren’t equipped to raise kids.

Mom did the best she could. The “Gooch” (my father) left when I was six. Thanks Gooch…for nothing. Well actually that’s not true, you taught me HOW NOT TO raise kids. But I have to admit the Saturday’s you showed up to take me to Timboo’s was cool. I learned how to gamble on sporting events at the age of 12.

When I turned 18 it was time to get serious.

The light went on. I think?

The ironworkers from Local 40 NYC taught me how to work. Thanks fellas. Shout out to Joey Alba (RIP)

Willie Higgins, Tommy Walsh (My fucking idol as a kid) Walsh played hoops at Bishop Ford and he had hops. My first ironworking job he was a connector for Billy Phelan.

Into my 20’s, after a few years of ironworking I decided I wanted to coach basketball. Thanks Jerry Darlington for setting me straight.

Ray Nash and Danny Piselli gave me a shot. But before that I coached 7th grade hoops when I was 16, that was a learning experience. My guy Gerard Trapp helped me out with that gig.

Ziggy was a big help in my journey. Gave me confidence in my coaching ability. Turned me on to motivational quotes.

Planet Hollywood, Limelight and the Peppermint Lounge, three great spots I worked for a few years. Met some wonderful people. Meeting Tupac Shakur before he died was a cool night. Can’t forget about Samuel L. Jackson. What a cool dude.

The newsstand in Penn Station working for Steve and Ronnie Kaplan; one of my favorite jobs ever. Jeff Van Gundy was reading the paper and Al, the old man I worked with asked him if he was going to read the whole paper or pay for it? Meeting my college football idol Brian Bosworth was some moment. Dean Meminger stopped by one morning. We rapped about hoops. Gerry Cooney was cool too.

Getting my G.E.D. and enrolling in college – how did I graduate from Central Michigan University with a B.A. in Sports Administration?

Moving to Michigan in my 30’s was the best move ever. “10 outta 10” is the greatest person to enter my life. (That’s my wife of 24 years)

Having a baby girl in 1999 really opened my eyes to life. Taylor’s been the greatest gift.

Shout out to Denis Hamill…gave me valuable advice on the writing craft. Wish I could have met Pete.

The past 23 years have been wonderful. Saint Peter’s College assistant coach. Jackson Community College head coach. East Lansing boys varsity head coach. Lansing Sexton High School boys varsity head coach. Chippewa Middle School 8th grade boys A and B teams.

Ups and downs. Anxiety. Tough times. Failures. Depression. Nights spent crying. But we keep plowing through. No matter what they say about you. I realized when you do well, the haters get jealous…

I ask myself every day: How’d I get here?

Hope all is well.
