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I was listening to a radio program while driving a few days ago and they had a sociologist on talking about a study he did in a particular neighborhood.  (I forgot which area… oh well).  But it was interesting listening to him explain his findings.

He said many people do not sit out in front of their homes like they use to back in the day.  

And if they do, it’s rare they say hello as you pass.

I recall being in Staten Island a couple of years ago staying at my sisters home while I coached basketball at a nearby college.   There was a couple of people who lived close by who were always out in front of their homes but for some strange reason rarely said a word to me in passing.

Oh I tried to break the ice, like I normally do but getting these people to even crack a smile was difficult.  It was like their jaws were wired shut.

Remember in our neighborhood there were many people sitting on stoops on almost every block whether it was during the day or at night, always engaging in conversation as you passed them.

Look, I can understand that you don’t feel like talking at times, but a smile and a quick ‘hi’ is a great start!

I remember a guy who lived next to the Cullen’s on Windsor Place whom we all called ‘Scooter’, this dude was always out talking to people. 

Who were some of the most famous ‘stoop-sitters’ in our neighborhood?

