
Topic: New York Knicks first round draft pick Kristaps Porzingis:

A couple of nights ago at the NBA draft on Atlantic and Flatbush, New York Knicks fans and fans around the city may have jumped the gun. (Myself included)

I wanted Kentucky’s Willie Cauley-Stein.

But like Mick said, “You can’t always get what you want.”


This morning over coffee I came to this conclusion: The right thing is to give this kid a chance.

In reality no one knows what will happen.

Doesn’t matter if you are Red Auerbach or Red Holzman. Shoot, even Red Alert or Red Buttons don’t know.

I once read where Utah Jazz fans were unhappy (or unsure what to think) with the selection of John Stockton in the 1984 draft (16th pick). Hey they could have had Vern Fleming out of Queens who was chosen two picks later.

Upon further review Phoenix Suns fans were annoyed at the Steve Nash draft selection. (15th)

They actually booed. How did Steve Nash turn out?

But just to refresh your memory the Knicks once drafted Frederic Weis with the 15th pick.

Do me a favor and let’s wait until the dust settles to comment on the Knickerbockers pick. Let this kid get on the floor first. Hopefully he works hard. Hopefully he’s a great teammate. Maybe he’ll grab a few rebounds, defend, set hard screens, cut hard and share the ball in the triangle.
