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This past Wednesday there was a school shooting one hour away from where I live. It’s scary to think about. I work full-time at a wonderful high school; these shootings can happen anywhere.

I was doing some research this morning on school shootings in the past and also read a few articles on the cause for these shootings.

We can go back and forth on why this happens. I’m not here to debate it. I am here to say in a short and sweet manner, if everyone was nice during their day, I firmly believe it would help.

There’s too much anger in this country.

One article I came across talked about a fast-food manager quitting their job after 20 years because customers have become awful. The employee cited it’s gotten out of hand the way customers treat him and his co-workers.

Bullying is an epidemic in our schools and in the workplace. Are we trying hard enough to fix this problem?

I understand there are a few reasons for people being angry, I get it. But what if we all started being nicer to the people we come in contact with each day. I think that would make a huge difference.

Hope all is well…


E-Mail: SteveFinamore@yahoo.com